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Pintas & Mullins Injury Lawyers
General Telemarketing Compliance Guidelines for Paralegals & Attorneys
1. Telephone Call Recording:
For outbound calling only, the paralegal must say, “I want to let you know this call is being recorded and monitored”
2. Do Not Contact Requests (DNC)
Pintas & Mullins maintains a record of any person who has asked us to not contact them or call them again.
We must honor these requests and we should never try to talk a person out of a request not to be called again, and should never hang up on the person.
To mark someone as DNC:
- Paralegal should make a note in the Notes Section of NC2
- Paralegal must update in People section of NC2: People > Phone Number > Phone Status = “Do Not Call”
3. Call Days, Times, and Frequency
We may only call a maximum of 3x per day without connecting with the intended recipient.
Outbound calls must be made between 8am-9pm in the timezone of who you are calling (NV, CT, IL, MI, MN, NM, OK, SD, TX, RI - 9AM) AND (KY - 10AM)
Outbound calls cannot be made on state or federal holidays, unless the potential client contacted us on that day or had a scheduled call for then.
4. General Guidelines
On outbound calls upon answering you must state your name, firm name, and purpose of the call and that call is being recorded and monitored.